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The Internationale

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The Internationale
"L'Internationale", original French version

International anthem of anarchists, anti-capitalists, anti-fascists, communists, democratic socialists, socialists, and social democrats
Also known as« L'Internationale »
LyricsEugène Pottier, 1871
MusicPierre De Geyter, 1888
Audio sample
Instrumental rendition in A major

"The Internationale"[a] is an international anthem that has been adopted as the anthem of various anarchist, communist, socialist, democratic socialist, and social democratic movements.[1][2] It has been a standard of the socialist movement since the late nineteenth century, when the Second International adopted it as its official anthem. The title arises from the "First International", an alliance of workers which held a congress in 1864. The author of the anthem's lyrics, Eugène Pottier, an anarchist, attended this congress.[3][4] Pottier's text was later set to an original melody composed by Pierre De Geyter, a Marxist.[5]



The song in its original French version was written in June 1871 by Eugène Pottier, a member of the First International and Paris Commune, after the Commune had been crushed by the French army on 28 May but before Pottier fled first to Britain and then later (1873-1881) to the United States.[6][7] Pottier intended it to be sung to the tune of "La Marseillaise".[8][9][10] The song was reputedly sung to the Marseillaise at Pottier's burial in November 1887.[11] Only the following year, the melody to which The Internationale is usually sung, was composed by Pierre De Geyter for the choir "La Lyre des Travailleurs" of the French Worker's Party in his hometown of Lille, and the first performed there in July 1888.[8][12][13] De Geyter had been commissioned to do this for the choir by Gustave Delory the future mayor of Lille, who had received the text from a young socialist teacher, Charles Gros.[14][13][13]

Pottier wrote an earlier version of the song in September 1870, to celebrate the Third Republic declared after the defeat of the Second French Empire by Prussia and the abdication of Napoleon III, and to honor the First International; this version was reprinted in 1988, the centennial of Degeyter's musical setting, and reprinted by the historian of Commune song, Robert Brécy..[15][16] Contemporary editions published by Boldoduc (Lille) in 1888, by Delory in 1894, and by Lagrange in 1898 are no longer locatable, but the text that endures is the one authorized by Pottier for his Chants Révolutionnaires, published by his Communard colleague Jean Allemane in April 1887, before Pottier's death in November, and reprinted in Pottier's Collected Works.[17] This version, along with a facsimlle reprint of De Geyter's score and translations into English and other languages, also appears in the only English-language selection of Pottier's works.[18]

Pottiers's lyrics contain one-liners that became very popular and found widespread use as slogans; other lines such as "Ni Dieu, ni César, ni tribun" were already well-known in the workers' movement. The success of the song is connected to the stability and widespread popularity of the Second International. Like the lyrics, the music by De Geyter was relatively simple and down to earth, suitable for a workers' audience.[19]

French original

1887 version Literal translation

Debout, les damnés de la terre
Debout, les forçats de la faim
La raison tonne en son cratère
C'est l'éruption de la fin
Du passé faisons table rase
Foule esclave, debout, debout
Le monde va changer de base
Nous ne sommes rien, soyons tout

Refrain :
𝄆 C'est la lutte finale
Groupons-nous, et demain
Sera le genre humain. 𝄇

Il n'est pas de sauveurs suprêmes
Ni Dieu, ni César, ni tribun
Producteurs, sauvons-nous nous-mêmes
Décrétons le salut commun
Pour que le voleur rende gorge
Pour tirer l'esprit du cachot
Soufflons nous-mêmes notre forge
Battons le fer quand il est chaud.


L'État opprime et la loi triche
L'impôt saigne le malheureux
Nul devoir ne s'impose au riche
Le droit du pauvre est un mot creux
C'est assez, languir en tutelle
L'égalité veut d'autres lois
Pas de droits sans devoirs dit-elle
Égaux, pas de devoirs sans droits.


Hideux dans leur apothéose
Les rois de la mine et du rail
Ont-ils jamais fait autre chose
Que dévaliser le travail ?
Dans les coffres-forts de la bande
Ce qu'il a créé s'est fondu
En décrétant qu'on le lui rende
Le peuple ne veut que son dû.


Les rois nous saoulaient de fumées
Paix entre nous, guerre aux tyrans
Appliquons la grève aux armées
Crosse en l'air, et rompons les rangs
S'ils s'obstinent, ces cannibales
À faire de nous des héros
Ils sauront bientôt que nos balles
Sont pour nos propres généraux.


Ouvriers, paysans, nous sommes
Le grand parti des travailleurs
La terre n'appartient qu'aux hommes
L'oisif ira loger ailleurs
Combien de nos chairs se repaissent
Mais si les corbeaux, les vautours
Un de ces matins disparaissent
Le soleil brillera toujours.


Arise, wretched of the earth
Arise, convicts of hunger
Reason thunders in its volcano
This is the eruption of the end
Of the past let us wipe the slate clean
Slave masses, arise, arise
The world is about to change its foundation
We are nothing, let us be everything

𝄆 This is the final struggle
Let us gather together, and tomorrow
The Internationale
Will be the human race. 𝄇

There are no supreme saviors
Neither God, nor Caesar, nor tribune.
Producers, let us save ourselves
Decree on the common welfare
That the thief return his plunder,
That the spirit be pulled from its prison
Let us fan the forge ourselves
Strike the iron while it is hot


The state represses and the law cheats
The tax bleeds the unfortunate
No duty is imposed on the rich
"Rights of the poor" is a hollow phrase
Enough languishing in custody
Equality wants other laws:
No rights without obligations, it says,
And as well, no obligations without rights


Hideous in their self-deification
Kings of the mine and rail
Have they ever done anything other
Than steal work?
Into the coffers of that lot,
What work creates has melted
In demanding that they give it back
The people wants only its due.


The kings intoxicate us with gunsmoke,
Peace among ourselves, war to the tyrants!
Let the armies go on strike,
Guns in the air, and break ranks
If these cannibals insist
In making heroes of us,
Soon they will know our bullets
Are for our own generals


Laborers, peasants, we are
The great party of workers
The earth belongs only to men
The idle will go reside elsewhere
How much of our flesh they feed on,
But if the ravens and vultures
Disappear one of these days
The sun will shine always



In a successful attempt to save Pierre De Geyter's job as a woodcarver, the 6,000 leaflets printed by Lille printer Boldoduc only mentioned the French version of his family name (Degeyter).[20][13] The second edition published by Delory named Pierre's brother Adolphe as the composer.[21] With neither money nor representation, Pierre De Geyter lost his first lawsuit over this in 1914 and did not gain legal recognition of authorship until 1922 when he was 74.[21][9][12] His brother had in the meantime died by suicide in 1916, leaving a note to Pierre explaining the fraud and stating that Delory had manipulated him into claiming authorship; and Delory had inscribed on Adolphe's tombstone "Ici repose Adolphe Degeyter, l'auteur de L'Internationale".[21] Despite this dying declaration, historians in the 1960s such as Daniel Ligou were still contending that Adolphe was the author.[21]

In 1972, "Montana Edition", owned by Hans R. Beierlein, bought the rights to the song for 5,000 Deutschmark, first for the territory of West Germany, then in East Germany, then worldwide. East Germany paid Montana Edition 20,000 DM every year for its rights to play the music. Pierre De Geyter died in 1932, causing the copyrights to expire in 2002.[22] Luckhardt's German text is the public domain since 1984.

As "The Internationale" music was published before 1 July 1909 outside the United States, it is in the public domain in the United States.[23] As of 2013, Pierre De Geyter's music is also in the public domain in countries and areas whose copyright durations are authors' lifetime plus 80 years or less.[24] Due to France's wartime copyright extensions (prorogations de Guerre), SACEM claimed that the music was still copyrighted in France until October 2014.[25] The "Internationale" is now also in the public domain within France.

As Eugène Pottier passed away in 1887, his original French lyrics are in the public domain. Gustave Delory once acquired the copyright of his lyrics through the songwriter Jean-Baptiste Clement having bought it from Pottier's widow.[26][incomplete short citation]



There have been a very wide variety of translations of the anthem. In 2002, Kuznar notes that the nature of these translations has varied widely. Many have been closely literal translations with variations solely to account for rhyme and meter but others have been done to encode different ideology perspectives and or to update contents to adapt the lyrics to relevant more contemporary issues.[27]

The first English version has been attributed to the author Eugène Pottier himself, produced aparently after he fled the fall of the Paris Commune in June 1871 for temporary exile in Britain (until 1873, when he went on to the United States).[28] The first U.S. translation was by Charles Hope Kerr who heard it in De Geyter's setting in Lille in 1894 and published it as a pamphlet that year: it was later reproduced in Songs of the IWW, first published in 1909 and has been reprinted by Kerr's publishing house into the 21st century.[29][30] The first of many Italian versions signed by E. Bergeret, identified as Ettore Marroni, in 1901.[31] Dutch communist poet Henriette Roland Holst translated it into Dutch, with "Ontwaakt, verworpenen der aarde" ('Wake up, all who are cast away') at about the same time. By the time of the 1910 International Socialist Congress in Copenhagen, versions had appeared in 18 different languages, including a Danish one by A. C. Meyer, which was sung at the end of a cantata by 500 singers.[19]

Russian version used in the Soviet Union


The Russian version was initially translated by Arkady Kots in 1902 and printed in London in Zhizn a Russian émigré magazine. The first Russian version had only three stanzas, based on stanzas 1, 2, and 6 of the original, and the refrain. After the Bolshevik Revolution in Russia, the text was slightly re-worded to get rid of "now useless" future tenses – particularly the refrain was reworded (the future tense was replaced by the present, and the first person plural possessive pronoun was introduced). In 1918, the chief editor of Izvestia, Yuri Steklov, appealed to Russian writers to translate the other three stanzas, which did eventually happen.[32]

The Russian Internationale has been translated into many indigenous languages of Russia, namely Tatar, Bashkir, Chuvash, Chukchi, Udmurt, and Yakut.

English: The Internationale

Former national anthem of the Russian SFSR
Former national anthem of the Soviet Union
LyricsArkady Kotz, 1902
MusicPierre De Geyter, 1888
Adopted1918 (Russian SFSR)
1922 (Soviet Union)
Relinquished1922 (Russian SFSR)
1944 (Soviet Union)
Preceded byWorker's Marseillaise
Succeeded byState Anthem of the Soviet Union
Audio sample
The Internationale, Russian
Russian original Literal translation
Russian Cyrillic alphabet Russian Latin alphabet

Вставай, проклятьем заклеймённый,
Весь мир голодных и рабов!
Кипит наш разум возмущённый
И в смертный бой вести готов.
Весь мир насилья мы разрушим
До основанья, а затем
Мы наш, мы новый мир построим, –
Кто был ничем, тот станет всем.

𝄆 Это есть наш последний
И решительный бой;
С Интернационалом
Воспрянет род людской! 𝄇

Никто не даст нам избавленья:
Ни бог, ни царь и не герой!
Добьёмся мы освобожденья
Своею собственной рукой.
Чтоб свергнуть гнёт рукой умелой,
Отвоевать своё добро, –
Вздувайте горн и куйте смело,
Пока железо горячо!


Довольно кровь сосать, вампиры,
Тюрьмой, налогом, нищетой!
У вас  – вся власть, все блага мира,
А наше право  – звук пустой !
Мы жизнь построим по-иному –
И вот наш лозунг боевой:
Вся власть народу трудовому!
А дармоедов всех долой!


Презренны вы в своём богатстве,
Угля и стали короли!
Вы ваши троны, тунеядцы,
На наших спинах возвели.
Заводы, фабрики, палаты –
Всё нашим создано трудом.
Пора! Мы требуем возврата
Того, что взято грабежом.


Довольно королям в угоду
Дурманить нас в чаду войны!
Война тиранам! Мир Народу!
Бастуйте, армии сыны!
Когда ж тираны нас заставят
В бою геройски пасть за них –
Убийцы, в вас тогда направим
Мы жерла пушек боевых!


Лишь мы, работники всемирной
Великой армии труда,
Владеть землёй имеем право,
Но паразиты  – никогда!
И если гром великий грянет
Над сворой псов и палачей, –
Для нас всё так же солнце станет
Сиять огнём своих лучей.


Vstavaj prokljatjem zaklejmjonnyj,
Vesj mir golodnyh i rabov!
Kipit naš razum vozmuščjonnyj
I v smertnyj boj vesti gotov.
Vesj mir nasilia my razrušim
Do osnovania, a zatem
My naš my novyj mir postroim,
Kto byl nikem tot stanet vsem!

𝄆 Eto jestj naš poslednij
I rešiteljnyj boj;
S Internacionalom
Vosprjanet rod ljudskoj! 𝄇

Nikto ne dast nam izbavlenia:
Ni bog, ni carj i ne geroj
Dobiomsja my osvoboždenia
Svojeju sobstvennoj rukoj.
Čtob svergnutj gnjot rukoj umeloj,
Otvojevatj svojo dobro, –
Vzduvajte gorn i kujte smelo,
Poka železo gorjačo!


Dovoljno krovj sosatj, vampiry,
Tjurjmoj, nalogom niščetoj!
U vas — vsja vlastj, vse blaga mira,
A naše pravo — zvuk pustoj!
My žiznj postroim po inomu-
I vot naš lozung bojevoj:
Vsja vlastj narodu trudovomu!
A darmojedov vseh doloj!


Prezrenny vy v svojom bogatstve,
Uglja i stali koroli!
Vy vaši trony tunejadcy,
Na naših spinah vozveli.
Zavody, fabriki, palaty –
Vsjo našim sozdano trudom.
Pora! My trebujem vozvrata
Togo čto vzjato grabežom.


Dovoljno, koroljam v ugodu,
Durmanitj nas v čadu vojny!
Vojna tiranam! Mir Narodu!
Bastujte armii syny!
Kogda ž tirany nas zastavjat
V boju gerojski pastj za nih –
Ubijcy v vas togda napravim
My žerla pušek bojevyh!


Lišj my, rabotniki vsemirnoj
Velikoj armii truda!
Vladetj zemljoj imejem pravo,
No parazity — nikogda!
I jesli grom velikij grjanet
Nad svoroj psov i palačej,
Dlja nas vsjo takže solnce stanet
Sijatj ognjom svoih lučej.


Arise, ones who are branded by the curse,
All the world's starving and enslaved!
Our outraged minds are boiling,
Ready to lead us into a deadly fight.
We will destroy this world of violence
Down to the foundations, and then
We will build our new world.
He who was nothing will become everything!

𝄆 This is our final
and decisive battle;
With the Internationale
humanity will rise up! 𝄇

No one will grant us deliverance,
Not god, nor tsar, nor hero.
We will win our liberation,
With our very own hands.
To throw down oppression with a skilled hand,
To take back what is ours —
Fire up the furnace and hammer boldly,
while the iron is still hot!


You've sucked enough of our blood, you vampires,
With prison, taxes and poverty!
You have all the power, all the blessings of the world,
And our rights are but an empty sound!
We'll make our own lives in a different way —
And here is our battle cry:
All the power to the people of labour!
And away with all the parasites!


Contemptible you are in your wealth,
You kings of coal and steel!
You had your thrones, parasites,
At our backs erected.
All the factories, all the chambers —
All were made by our hands.
It's time! We demand the return
Of that which was stolen from us.


Enough of the will of kings
Stupefying us into the haze of war!
War to the tyrants! Peace to the people!
Go on strike, sons of the army!
And if the tyrants tell us
To fall heroically in battle for them —
Then, murderers, we will point
The muzzles of our cannons at you!


Only we, the workers of the worldwide
Great army of labor,
Have the right to own the land,
But the parasites — never!
And if the great thunder rolls
Over the pack of dogs and executioners,
For us, the sun will forever
Shine on with its fiery beams.


Toscanini and Hymn of the Nations


The change of the Soviet Union's national anthem from "The Internationale" to the "State Anthem of the USSR" was a factor in the production of the 1944 movie Hymn of the Nations, which made use of an orchestration of "The Internationale" that Arturo Toscanini had already done the year before for a 1943 NBC radio broadcast commemorating the twenty-sixth anniversary of the October Revolution.[33]

It was incorporated into Verdi's Inno delle nazioni alongside the national anthems of the United Kingdom (already in the original) and the United States (incorporated by Toscanini for a prior radio broadcast of the Inno in January of that year) to signify the side of the Allies during World War Two.[33][34]

Toscanini's son Walter remarked that an Italian audience for the movie would see the significance of Arturo being willing to play these anthems and unwilling to play Giovinezza and the Marcia Reale because of his anti-Fascist political views.[33] Alexandr Hackenschmied, the film's director, expressed his view that the song was "ormai archeologico" (nearly archaeological), but this was a countered in a letter by Walter Toscanini to Giuseppe Antonio Borgese, rejecting the objections of Borgese, Hackenschmied, and indeed the Office of War Information.[35]

At the time, Walter stated that he believed that "The Internationale" had widespread relevance across Europe, and in 1966 he recounted in correspondence that the OWI had "panicked" when it had learned of the Soviet Union's plans, but Arturo had issued an ultimatum that if "The Internationale", "l'inno di tutte le glebe ed i lavoratori di tutto il mondo" (the anthem of the working classes of the whole world) was not included, that if the already done orchestration and performance were not used as-is, then they should forget about distributing the film entirely.[35]

The inclusion of "The Internationale" in the Toscaninis' minds was not simply for the sake of a Soviet Union audience, but because of its relevance to all countries of the world.[36] Although Walter did not consider "The Internationale" to be "good music", he considered it to be (as he stated to the OWI) "more than the hymn of a nation or a party" and "an idea of brotherhood".[36]

It would have been expensive to re-record a new performance of the Inno without "The Internationale", and thus it remained in the movie as originally released.[37] Some time during the McCarthy Era, however, it was edited out of re-released copies, and remained so until a 1988 Library of Congress release on video, which restored "The Internationale" to the movie.[37]

Winston Churchill and National Anthems of the Allies


A similar situation had occurred earlier in the war with the BBC's popular weekly Sunday evening radio broadcast, preceding the Nine O'Clock News, titled National Anthems of the Allies, whose playlist was all of the national anthems of the countries allied with the United Kingdom, the list growing with each country that Germany invaded.[38][39] After the Germans began their invasion of the Soviet Union on 22 June 1941 (Operation Barbarossa), it was fully expected that "The Internationale", as the anthem of the Soviet Union, would be included in the playlist that day, but to people's surprise it was not, neither that week nor the week after.[39] Winston Churchill, a staunch opponent of communism, had immediately sent word to the BBC via Anthony Eden that "The PM has issued an instruction to the Ministry of Information that the Internationale is on no account to be played by the B.B.C." (emphasis in the original).[40][41]

Newspapers such as the Daily Express and Daily Mail were sharply critical of the Foreign Office, and questions were asked in the House of Commons.[42][41] Ambassador Ivan Maisky recorded in his diary a conversation with Duff Cooper on 11 July 1941 where Cooper asked him if the music played after Vyacheslav Molotov's speech on 22 June would be acceptable to the Soviet Union, and he replied that it would not be.[43][44] (The music was Tchaikovsky's 1812 Overture.[39]) On the evening of 13 July, the BBC instead played, in Maisky's words, "a very beautiful but little-known Soviet song", which he described as demonstrating "the British Government's cowardice and foolishness".[45][44] Rather than risk offending the Soviet Union by continuing to pointedly refuse to play its national anthem in a radio programme entitled National Anthems, the BBC discontinued the programme.[40][46] Six months later, on 22 January 1942, Churchill relented and lifted the prohibition.[46][41]

This relaxation enabled "The Internationale" to be used in wartime broadcasts and films, and at public occasions, thereafter.[47] The BBC's 1943 Salute to the Red Army had a mass performance of "The Internationale" at the Royal Albert Hall by the choir of the Royal Choral Society, the BBC Symphony Orchestra, the London Philharmonic Orchestra, and military bands, in front of the flag of the Soviet Union and following a speech by Anthony Eden.[47][48][49] The day before, which was Red Army Day, troops and the audience had sung "The Internationale" to the Lord Mayor of Bristol.[48] The 1944 movie Tawny Pipit depicted schoolchildren in the fictional village of Lipton Lea welcoming the character Olga Boclova (based upon Ludmilla Pavlichenko) to their town by singing "The Internationale".[47]

Soviet cinema and theatre


Dmitry Shostakovich used "The Internationale" twice for the movie soundtrack to the 1936 Soviet movie Girl Friends, once performed by a military-style band when a group of women are preparing for war, and a second time as a solo performance on a theremin.[50]

Nikolai Evreinov's 1920 The Storming of the Winter Palace used both "The Internationale" and "La Marseillaise" symbolically in opposition to each other, with the former sung by the "Red platform" proletariat side and the latter sung by the "White platform" government side, the former starting weakly and in disarray but gradually becoming organised and drowning out the latter.[51]



Qu Qiubai revised the translation of the lyrics into Chinese after having attended the Fourth Conference of Comintern in November 1921 and having not been able to join in the spontaneous singing by attendees there of "The Internationale" in their various home languages with their own Chinese rendition because the Chinese attendees did not have a good one.[52] He proceeded, according to the political memoirs of his contemporaries, in 1923 to re-translate the lyrics from the original French at the organ in his cousin's home in Beijing, publishing them in New Youth, a journal of which he was the editor-in-chief.[53]

This has become part of the cultural narrative of Qu's life, including in a 2001 television dramatisation of events, The Sun Rises from the East, where Qu is depicted as explaining to Cai Hesen that the former did not translate the song's title because he wished to make the Chinese version, which used a phonetic rendering of the French name using Chinese words "yingtenaixiongnaier", accessible to a multi-lingual non-Chinese-speaking audience.[53] The television dramatisation included excerpts from the movie Lenin in October, a popular movie in China during the time of Mao with scenes that were set to "The Internationale".[54]

Lenin in October was one of several movies from Soviet cinema translated into Chinese in the 1950s that led to the widespread popularity of "The Internationale" in the early years of the PRC.[55] Others include Lenin in 1918, a 1939 movie which came to China in 1951, with "The Internationale" abruptly terminated at the point in the movie that Lenin is shot by an assassin; and the 1952 The Unforgettable 1919 which came to China that same year and used "The Internationale" for a mass rally scene involving Joseph Stalin.[56]

Chinese movies about martyrs to the CCP cause would begin to incorporate the song into pivotal scenes later in the 1950s, this use peaking in the 1960s with inclusion into such movies as the 1965 Living Forever in Burning Flames depicting the execution of Jiang Jie.[57]

In the 1956 film Mother, the character Lao Deng, a local revolutionary leader, is depicted singing "The Internationale" on the way to his execution, and in the 1960 A Revolutionary Family, the son of the protagonist (in chorus with his fellow prisoners) also sings "The Internationale" on the way to his execution.[58] It would become a leitmotif of Chinese Revolutionary (model) cinema.[59]

Political memoirs of Li Dazhao's daughter Li Xinghua recount his explaining the lyrics of the song to her, he having encountered it on his travels with Qu in 1923 and during his visit to Moscow the following year.[54] He also encouraged people to sing it during socialist activism training sessions in 1925 and 1926.[54] As with Qu, the song forms part of the cultural narrative of his life, it being the widely accepted account of his execution in 1927 that he sang the song in the last moments of his life.[54]

As with Qu and Li, the song is found in many places in political histories of CCP leaders and martyrs to its cause, symbolising their socialist ideals, including Zhu De, Zhou Enlai, and Deng Xiaoping.[60] It has also seen continued, and sometimes contradictory, uses over the decades as politics in China have changed, such as (for one example) Chen Yun's use in the 1960s to justify a new agricultural land allocation policy.[61] It has maintained its status as a de facto CCP anthem, and its continued relevance over the decades can be seen in its inclusion in all three of the 1964 The East Is Red, the 1984 The Song of the Chinese Revolution, and the 2009 The Road to Prosperity.[55]

While the song has a wide influence as an adjunct of official ideology, it has also been used in counter-cultural movements, such as the demonstrators in the 1989 Tiananmen Square protests singing it during their final retreat.[62] Barbara Mittler maintains that this dual use of "The Internationale" by the government and by people demonstrating against it disproves any hypothesis that "a certain type of music 'depicts' a certain social environment".[63]

"The Internationale" continues to be popular with 21st century Chinese audiences, as exemplified by its reception by audience when sung at the second curtain call of the "Shocking" concert of Liu Han, Liao Changyong, and Mo Hualun.[64]

Qu was hired as a translator for students at the Communist University of the Toilers of the East in Moscow, where he met Xiao San in 1922, who had newly arrived from France.[65] There, Xiao was drawn into the performing arts as a vehicle for revolutionary messages and, in conjunction with other students, translated "The Internationale" and several Soviet songs from the original French and Russian into Chinese, separately from Qu's work in Beijing in 1923.[66] Xiao re-worked his translation in 1939, adding to it an explanatory history.[67] Ironically, the translation in the television dramatisation The Sun Rises from the East that is recited by the character of Qu, is not in reality Qu's translation at all, but is the 1949 official approved translation based upon Xiao's, that is additionally credited to Zheng Zhenduo.[68]

The 2004 movie My Years in France, a biopic of Deng Xiaoping, re-framed this history into a dramatic scene, set in 1920s Paris before Xiao leaves for Moscow, in which Zhou Enlai, Liu Qingyang, Zhang Shenfu, and others climb to the top of Notre Dame to sing "The Internationale" to the accompaniment of its bell Emmanuel, and the character of Xiao resolves at that point, instead, to translate the song into Chinese.[69]

Translations into other languages


English translations


The traditional British version of "The Internationale" is usually sung in three verses, while the American version, written by Charles Hope Kerr with five verses, is usually sung in two.[70][71] The American version is sometimes sung with the phrase "the internationale", "the international soviet", or "the international union" in place of "the international working class". In English renditions, "Internationale" is sometimes sung as /ˌɪntərnæʃəˈnæli/ IN-tər-nash-ə-NAL-ee rather than the French pronunciation of [ɛ̃tɛʁnɑsjɔnal(ə)]. In modern usage, the American version also often uses "their" instead of "his" in "Let each stand in his place", and "free" instead of "be" in "Shall be the Human race".

Pete Seeger asked Billy Bragg to sing "The Internationale" with him at the Vancouver Folk Festival in 1989. Bragg thought the traditional English lyrics were archaic and unsingable (Scottish musician Dick Gaughan[72] and former Labour MP Tony Benn[73] disagreed), and composed a new set of lyrics.[74] The recording was released on his album The Internationale along with reworkings of other socialist songs.

The English translation of a selection of Pottier's songs and speeches, Beyond the Internationale: Revolutionary Writings, includes, in addition to the traditional British version and Kerr's American version, a 1922 version endorsed by the Socialist Labor Party, as well as Bragg's adaptation and one by the Workers Party of Jamaica.[75]

Afrikaans translation


Although the apartheid government claimed that Afrikaans was derived primarily from Dutch settlers in South Africa, the language emerged as a lingua franca among brown and black enslaved people in the 17th-century Cape of Good Hope. Afrikaans combined Dutch with Malay, Portuguese, and indigenous KhoeSan; its common label "kitchen Dutch" highlights the transmission of the language from domestic servants, enslaved and otherwise, to Dutch children and their mothers who had little formal education in the territory controlled by the Dutch East India Company.[76][77][78] In the early twentieth century, first white socialists and then communists, unionists and activists of all races in South Africa sang the Internationale until the Communist Party and even loosely linked associations were suppressed from 1950 until the end of apartheid in 1994.[79] Although no Afrikaans translation from this early socialist period has been published, Afrikaans-speaking unionists worked in significant numbers in the garment industry in the 1920s and 1930s, and were introduced to international socialism by union secretary, E. S. Sachs.[80] The Afrikaans translation that is available today is a distinctly post-apartheid version (2009) by singer-sociologist Liela Groenewald.[81]

In South Africa, Xhosa and Zulu versions[82] are used by the blacks instead.

Bengali translation


"The Internationale" was first translated to Bengali by the rebel poet Kazi Nazrul Islam. Nazrul, who was greatly inspired by the tenets of Socialism and its relevance to India under British colonial occupation, authored numerous poems in Bengali highlighting socio-political issues, including gender and economic inequities, and social justice overall. Around 1927, Nazrul was approached by Muzaffar Ahmad, one of the Founders of the Communist Party of India, requesting that he translate the celebrated song into Bengali. While it maintains the essential theme of the original (via the English version), Nazrul inserted salient social issues into it within the Indian context. It was also translated by Hemanga Biswas[83] and Mohit Banerji, that was subsequently adopted by West Bengal's Left Front.[84] Here is the Bengali audio version, performed by Satya Chowdhury.[85] Appended below are the Bengali lyrics written by Kazi Nazrul Islam: [86]

Chinese translations


In addition to the Mandarin version, "The Internationale" also has Cantonese[87] and Taiwanese Hokkien[88] versions, occasionally used by communists or leftists in Hong Kong and Taiwan. The word "Internationale" is not translated in either version. There is also a Uyghur version, a Salar version, a Tibetan version,[89] a Hmong version, a Chakhar Mongolian version, a Yi version, and a Zhuang version translated from the Mandarin Chinese version, used for ethnic minorities in China.

Filipino translation


There were three Filipino versions of the song. The first was composed by Juan Feleo of the Partido Komunista ng Pilipinas-1930 under the title "Pandaigdigang Awit ng Manggagawa" ('The International Worker's Anthem') which was translated from the English version. The second version was a retranslation of the first two stanzas on the basis of the French original by the Communist Party of the Philippines. The third version, which introduced the third stanza, was derived from both Chinese and French versions and translated by Jose Maria Sison, the CPP's founding chairman.[90]

German translations


The original French text has six stanzas. The best-known and still widespread German-language adaptation was created by Emil Luckhardt in 1910. His version is based on the original French text and is limited to a translation of the first two stanzas and the last stanza of the French song that is somewhat weakened and romanticised in its radicalism.[citation needed]

Apart from Luckhardt's version, there are at least seven other lesser-known German text variants—each relating to specific historical situations or ideologically divergent socialist, communist and anarchist alignments. In addition to the Luckhardt version mentioned above, there is a version penned by Franz Diederich (1908) and by Sigmar Mehring. In 1919 a version was written by Erich Mühsam and in 1937 during the Spanish Civil War another one for the German Thälmann Brigade by Erich Weinert.[citation needed]

Korean translations


"The Internationale" is used in both Koreas, though it is more commonly used in the North. The DPRK uses "The Internationale" in propaganda and music,[91] Party Congresses,[92] and even sports events.[93] In South Korea, "The Internationale" has been used by labour unions and protestors, but remains less celebrated. A different set of lyrics is used in South Korea, while the North Korean version is based on the Soviet Russian version of "The Internationale". In addition, the refrain of the South Korean version is longer and does not repeat.[94]

Persian translations


For the first time, Abolqasem Lahouti, an Iranian poet and songwriter, translated and standardized "The Internationale" into Persian. It was used as the official anthem of the short lived Persian Socialist Soviet Republic and one of the main anthems of the communist Tudeh Party of Iran.[95][96] In addition, after he settled in the Soviet Union, he translated his work into Tajik.

Portuguese translations


Originally translated to Portuguese by Neno Vasco in 1909 from the French version,[97] a similar version was wildly disseminated during the general strike of 1917 by anarchists and anarcho-syndicalists. A Brazilian Portuguese version[98] is used various left-wing and far-left parties in Brazil.

Spanish translations


There are several Spanish versions, with distinct variations but without any attribution to single authors. The earliest is still sung by the Spanish Communist Party but it was apparently produced around 1910, before the split between Socialist and Communist parties across Europe around 1920.[99][100] This version is also supported by the ruling Communist Party in Cuba.[101] The Mexican version, in contrast, is based on earlier versions of "The Internationale", suggesting that it dates to the Mexican Revolution.[99] The Argentine version was associated with the Argentine Socialist Party from 1958 to the junta of the generals in 1976.[102][103]

In Latin America, "The Internationale" has been translated into different indigenous minority languages, including Aymara, Guaraní, Nahuatl,[104] and Quechua.[105]

Swahili translation


In Kenya, "The Internationale" was translated into Swahili by the Communist Party of Kenya, and is used as the party's anthem.[106]

Vietnamese translation


"The Internationale" was first translated into Vietnamese by the founder of the Communist Party of Vietnam and the first President of modern Vietnam, Ho Chi Minh, under the pseudonym "Nguyễn Ái Quốc".[107] The current lyrics in Vietnamese were translated by the 1st and 2nd General Secretaries of the Communist Party of Vietnam, Trần Phú and Lê Hồng Phong. It was subsequently adopted by the Communist Party of Vietnam.[citation needed]

Yiddish translation


A Yiddish translation of "The Internationale" first appeared in the collection Yidishe folks-lider ('Yiddish Folk Songs') by Moshe Beregovski and Itzik Feffer. It was published in Kyiv, capital of the Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic, in 1938.[108]

Audio files


Allusions in other works


The "anthem" in the early pages of George Orwell's Animal Farm has been described as a "parody"[109] or a "reconfiguration"[110] of "The Internationale"; Orwell's text states (as a "humorous introduction") that it was sung as "between Clementine and La Cucaracha",[111][110]

William Carlos Williams' poem Choral: The Pink Church alludes to the lyrics of "The Internationale" in order to symbolise Communism, the poem otherwise barely mentioning Communism directly, Williams himself claiming to be "a pink [...] not a red" in a letter discussing the poem.[112]

One of Aleksandr Lebedev-Frontov's most famous works, which hung in the headquarters of the National Bolshevik Party, is a poster of the French Fantomas aiming a pistol at the viewer, subtitled with the first line of the Russian version of "The Internationale".[113]

The Russian poet Vladimir Mayakovsky concluded his play Mystery-Bouffe with an "Internationale of the Future", set to the tune of the Internationale, but with lyrics describing a complete, perfect classless society as an existing fact.[citation needed]

Even though it stood on the far-right of the political spectrum, the Greek political party Golden Dawn employed a tune similar to "The Internationale" as its party anthem, the Hymn of the Golden Dawn, with a more militaristic and fascistic sound in the style of a military march. Its similar melody to a communist song possibly stemmed from the admiration of some of its members, such as Greek MP Ilias Panagiotaros, for Soviet leader Josef Stalin, as a "great personality".[114]

Documentary film on the anthem


Peter Miller produced and directed a half-hour documentary on the anthem with interviews with a range of people including Annette Rubinstein, Vladimir Grigoryevich Zak, Marina Feleo-Gonzalez, Pete Seeger, Dorothy Ray Healey, Li Lu and Billy Bragg. The film aims to provide a cultural history of the anthem that addresses the complexities of the relationships between the collective and the individual.[115][116] The film was short-listed for the Academy Award nomination for the Best Short Documentary and won the Woodstock Film Festival, Best Short Documentary award.[117]

See also







  1. ^ World Book Encyclopedia, 2018 ed., s.v. "Internationale, The"
  2. ^ "The International Anarchist Congress, Amsterdam, 1907" (PDF). www.fdca.it. Retrieved 7 December 2018.
  3. ^ Nic Maclellan (2004). Louise Michel: Rebel Lives. Ocean Press. pp. 7, 89. ISBN 9781876175764.
  4. ^ Donny Gluckstein. "Decyphering 'The Internationale'".
  5. ^ "Did you know that the composer of 'The Internationale' was Belgian?". Focus on Belgium. 21 April 2017. Retrieved 12 June 2021.
  6. ^ Pottier, Eugène (1966). Brochon, Pierre (ed.). Oeuvres Complètes [Complete Works]. Paris: François Maspero. p. 101.
  7. ^ Pottier, Eugène (2024). Kruger, Loren (ed.). Beyond the Internationale: Revolutionary Writing by Eugene Pottier. Chicago: Charles H. Kerr. pp. 1–4. ISBN 9780882860329.
  8. ^ a b Goyens 2007, p. 171.
  9. ^ a b Cull 2003, p. 181.
  10. ^ Pottier, Eugène (1887). Chants révolutionnaires (Revolutionary Songs) (1st ed.). Paris: Allemane. pp. 13–16.
  11. ^ Museux, Ernest (1898) Les défenseurs du proletariat: Eugène Pottier. BNF Gallica:
  12. ^ a b Fuld 2000, p. 303.
  13. ^ a b c d Brécy 1991, p. 245.
  14. ^ Maugendre 1996, p. 266.
  15. ^ Robert Brécy, Florilège de la Chanson Révolutionnaire, De 1789 au Front Populaire, Éditions Ouvrières, Paris, 1990, page 137.
  16. ^ Estager, Jacques; Bossi, Georges (1988). L'Internationale: 1888-1988. Paris: Editions sociales. pp. 53–54. ISBN 2209060680.
  17. ^ Pottier, Eugène (1966). Brochon, Pierrre (ed.). Oeuvres Complètes de Eugène Pottier [Complete Works]. Paris: François Maspero. pp. 101–102.
  18. ^ Pottier, Eugène (2024). Kruger, Loren (ed.). Beyond the Internationale: Revolutionary Writing by Eugène Pottier. Chicago: Charles H. Kerr. pp. 103–117. ISBN 9780882860329.
  19. ^ a b Gielkens 1999, pp. 32–43.
  20. ^ Maugendre 1996, p. 366.
  21. ^ a b c d Maugendre 1996, p. 367.
  22. ^ "Ich habe die Kommunisten bezahlen Lassen", Die Welt, Hans R. Beierlein, 18 April 2014.
  23. ^ Peter B. Hirtle. "Copyright Term and the Public Domain in the United States". Archived from the original on 4 July 2012.
  24. ^ Year 1932 when Pierre De Geyter died, plus 80 years, would get to the year 2012.
  25. ^ Vulser, Nicole (8 April 2005). "Siffloter 'L'Internationale' peut coûter cher". Le Monde (in French). Retrieved 7 December 2015.
  26. ^ Gill 1998, 16th paragraph.
  27. ^ Kuzar, R. (2002). Translating the Internationale: Unity and dissent in the encoding of proletarian solidarity. Journal of pragmatics, 34(2), 87-109.
  28. ^ "Lyrics: The International".
  29. ^ "Lyrics: The International". www.marxists.org. Retrieved 10 September 2024.
  30. ^ Green, ed. (2016). The Big Red Songbook: 250+ IWW Songs (Archie ed.). Chicago: Charles H. Kerr. pp. 70–72. ISBN 978-1-62963-129-5.
  31. ^ "Antiwar Songs (AWS): Eugène Pottier - L'Internationale". www.antiwarsongs.org. Retrieved 10 September 2024.
  32. ^ A. V. Lunacharskiy (ed.). "The International (in Russian)". Fundamental'naya Elektronnaya Biblioteka.
  33. ^ a b c Marvin 2017, p. 106.
  34. ^ Horowitz 1994, p. 179.
  35. ^ a b Marvin 2017, p. 107.
  36. ^ a b Marvin 2017, pp. 107–108.
  37. ^ a b Marvin 2017, p. 108.
  38. ^ Miner 2003, p. 206.
  39. ^ a b c Hermiston 2016, p. 115.
  40. ^ a b Miner 2003, p. 207.
  41. ^ a b c Addison 1975, p. 134.
  42. ^ Hermiston 2016, pp. 115–116.
  43. ^ Maisky 2015, pp. 371–372.
  44. ^ a b Dimbleby 2021, p. 189.
  45. ^ Maisky 2015, p. 372.
  46. ^ a b Hermiston 2016, p. 116.
  47. ^ a b c Webster 2018, p. 154.
  48. ^ a b Turbett 2021, p. 64.
  49. ^ Warden 2016, p. 93.
  50. ^ Titus 2016, pp. 146, 157–158.
  51. ^ Corney 2018, pp. 78–79.
  52. ^ Chen 2016, p. 196.
  53. ^ a b Chen 2016, p. 197.
  54. ^ a b c d Chen 2016, p. 198.
  55. ^ a b Chen 2016, p. 200.
  56. ^ Chen 2016, p. 201.
  57. ^ Chen 2016, pp. 200, 202.
  58. ^ Chen 2016, p. 2013.
  59. ^ Chen 2016, p. 204.
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  62. ^ Chen 2016, p. 209.
  63. ^ Mittler 1997, p. 133.
  64. ^ Chen 2016, p. 210.
  65. ^ McGuire 2018, pp. 74, 82.
  66. ^ McGuire 2018, p. 82.
  67. ^ McGuire 2018, p. 389.
  68. ^ Chen 2016, p. 211.
  69. ^ Chen 2016, p. 206.
  70. ^ Walls, David (17 July 2007). "Billy Bragg's Revival of Aging Anthems: Radical Nostalgia or Activist Inspiration?". Sonoma State University. Archived from the original on 16 December 2011. Retrieved 18 August 2008.
  71. ^ Venturi, Riccardo; et al. (8 June 2005). "The Internationale" in 82 languages". Anti-War Songs.
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  73. ^ Benn 2014, p. 129.
  74. ^ Billy Bragg – Internationale on YouTube, from the Pete Seeger 90th Birthday Concert (The Clearwater Concert) at Madison Square Garden, 3 May 2009.
  75. ^ Pottier, Eugène (2024). Kruger, Loren (ed.). Beyond the Internationale: Revolutionary Writings. Translated by Kruger, Lorem. Chicago: Charles H. Kerr. pp. 107–117. ISBN 9780882860329.{{cite book}}: CS1 maint: date and year (link)
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  79. ^ Roux, Edward (1964). Time Longer Than Rope: A History of the Black Man's Struggle for Freedom in South Africa. University of Wisconsin Press. pp. 139–36.
  80. ^ Berger, Iris (1992). Threads of Solidarity: Women in South African Industry, 1900-1980. Bloomington IN: Indiana University Press. pp. 103–104. ISBN 0253207002.
  81. ^ Musescore. "L'Internationale - met Afrikaanse lirieke deur Liela Groenewald". Musescore.com. Retrieved 19 August 2024.
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  83. ^ "Remembering Hemanga Biswas: An artivist who fought to have it all".
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  91. ^ 인터나쇼날. urinore1. 30 April 2014. Archived from the original on 18 March 2021. Retrieved 5 October 2021 – via YouTube.
  92. ^ "The Internationale" closes the 8th Congress of the Workers' Party of Korea. 푸옹 Phuong DPRK Daily. 12 January 2021. Archived from the original on 22 September 2021. Retrieved 5 October 2021 – via YouTube.
  93. ^ The Internationale in North Korea (Arirang Mass Games 2013). Pyongyang. 1 August 2013. Archived from the original on 4 February 2017. Retrieved 5 October 2021 – via YouTube.
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  97. ^ Gonçalves, Thaísa. "15 de setembro de 1920: morre o anarquista Neno Vasco, que traduziu para o português o hino A Internacional". Democracia e Mundo do Trabalho em Debate (in Brazilian Portuguese). Retrieved 19 February 2022.
  98. ^ A Internacional - The Internationale (Brazilian Portuguese Lyrics & English Translation)YouTube
  99. ^ a b "Antiwar Songs (AWS): Eugène Pottier - l'Internationale".
  100. ^ Pottier, Beyond the Internationale, 138-41
  101. ^ "La Internacional - EcuRed". www.ecured.cu (in Spanish). Retrieved 10 September 2024.
  102. ^ [1]
  103. ^ Pottier, Beyond the Internationale, 142-44
  104. ^ Tlacacomecayotl - L'Internationale but Nahuatl (Nawatnahtolli)YouTube
  105. ^ Internasyonal Taki - L'Internationale but Quechua (Runa Simi)YouTube
  106. ^ The Internationale(Kiswahili)YouTube
  107. ^ "Quốc tế ca và các bản dịch tiếng Việt". 17 January 2016.
  108. ^ ""Der internatsyonal" Performed by Martin Horowitz". Yiddish Song of the Week. 12 May 2021. Retrieved 18 September 2024.
  109. ^ Strong 2019, p. 207.
  110. ^ a b Orwell, George (2021). Dwan, David (ed.). Animal Farm. Oxford University Press. p. 85. ISBN 9780198813736.
  111. ^ Ligda, Kenneth (2014). "Orwellian Comedy". Twentieth Century Literature. 60 (4): 513–537. doi:10.1215/0041462X-2014-1005. JSTOR 24247102.
  112. ^ Cohen 2010, pp. 218–219.
  113. ^ Fenghi 2020, p. 108.
  114. ^ "60 Minutes. Greek Tragedy 2040413 (Greek Nationalists, Golden Dawn)". Haaretz. 18 April 2014.
  115. ^ Atkinson, Ted. "The Internationale." Film & History: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Film and Television Studies 31, no. 2 (2001): 62-62.
  116. ^ Fletcher, I. C. (2002). The Internationale. Radical History Review, 82(1), 187-190.
  117. ^ TVF International: The Internationale https://tvfinternational.com/programme/15/the-internationale


  • Marvin, Roberta Montemorra (2017). The Politics of Verdi's Cantica. Routledge. ISBN 9781351541459.
  • Gill, Tom (3 June 1998). "The International". The Guardian. Melbourne. Archived from the original on 27 October 2009.
  • Horowitz, Joseph (1994). Understanding Toscanini: A Social History of American Concert Life. University of California Press. ISBN 9780520085428.
  • Chen, Xiaomei (2016). "Singing "The Internationale"". In Rojas, Carlos; Bachner, Andrea (eds.). The Oxford Handbook of Modern Chinese Literatures. Oxford University Press. ISBN 9780199383313.
  • McGuire, Elizabeth (2018). "School dramas". Red at Heart: How Chinese Communists Fell in Love with the Russian Revolution. Oxford University Press. ISBN 9780190640552.
  • Mittler, Barbara (1997). "Development 'How new is China's New Music?'". Dangerous Tunes: The Politics of Chinese Music in Hong Kong, Taiwan, and the People's Republic of China Since 1949. Opera sinologica. Vol. 3. Otto Harrassowitz Verlag. ISBN 9783447039208. ISSN 0949-7927.
  • Bohlman, Andrea (2020). "Protest". Musical Solidarities: Political Action and Music in Late Twentieth-Century Poland. The New Cultural History of Music Series. Oxford University Press. ISBN 9780190938284.
  • Titus, Joan (2016). The Early Film Music of Dmitry Shostakovich. Oxford University Press. ISBN 9780199315147.
  • Maisky, Ivan Mikhailovich (2015). Gorodetsky, Gabriel (ed.). The Maisky Diaries: Red Ambassador to the Court of St James's, 1932–1943. Translated by Sorokina, Tatiana; Ready, Oliver. Yale University Press. ISBN 9780300180671.
  • Miner, Steven Merritt (2003). Stalin's Holy War: Religion, Nationalism, and Alliance Politics, 1941–1945. University of North Carolina Press. ISBN 9780807827369.
  • Addison, Paul (1975). The Road to 1945: British Politics and the Second World War. Jonathan Cape. ISBN 9780224011594.
  • Hermiston, Roger (2016). All Behind You, Winston: Churchill's Great Coalition 1940–45. Aurum. ISBN 9781781314845.
  • Dimbleby, Jonathan (2021). Operation Barbarossa: The History of a Cataclysm. Oxford University Press. ISBN 9780197547212.
  • Gielkens, Jan (1999). "Het heil'ge Ontwakingslied: 'De Internationale' vertaald". Filter (in Dutch). 6 (2): 32–43. Retrieved 2 February 2022.
  • Cohen, Milton A. (2010). Beleaguered Poets and Leftist Critics: Stevens, Cummings, Frost, and Williams in the 1930s. University of Alabama Press. ISBN 9780817317133.
  • Benn, Tony (2014). A Blaze of Autumn Sunshine: The Last Diaries. Arrow Books. ISBN 978-0-09-956495-9.
  • Fenghi, Fabrizio (2020). "Bohemianism, political militancy, and resistance to Modernity". It Will Be Fun and Terrifying: Nationalism and Protest in Post-Soviet Russia. University of Wisconsin Press. ISBN 9780299324407.
  • Strong, Tracy B. (2019). Learning One's Native Tongue: Citizenship, Contestation, and Conflict in America. University of Chicago Press. ISBN 9780226623368.
  • Webster, Wendy (2018). "Allies". Mixing It: Diversity in World War Two Britain. Oxford University Press. ISBN 9780192572356.
  • Turbett, Colin (2021). The Anglo-Soviet Alliance: Comrades and Allies during WW2. Pen and Sword Military. ISBN 9781526776617.
  • Warden, Claire (2016). Migrating Modernist Performance: British Theatrical Travels Through Russia. Springer. ISBN 9781137385703.
  • Clark, Katerina (2020). "Berlin—Moscow—Shanghai: Translating revolution across cultures in the aftermath of the 1927 Shanghai Debacle". In Glaser, Amelia M.; Lee, Steven S. (eds.). Comintern Aesthetics. University of Toronto Press. ISBN 9781487504656.
  • Goyens, Tom (2007). Beer and Revolution: The German Anarchist Movement in New York City, 1880–1914. University of Illinois Press. ISBN 9780252031755.
  • Cull, Nicholas John (2003). ""The Internationale" (1871-1888)". In Cull, Nicholas John; Culbert, David Holbrook; Welch, David (eds.). Propaganda and Mass Persuasion: A Historical Encyclopedia, 1500 to the Present. ABC-CLIO. ISBN 9781576078204.
  • Fuld, James J. (2000). The Book of World-famous Music: Classical, Popular, and Folk. Dover Books on Music. Courier Corporation. ISBN 9780486414751.
  • Maugendre, Xavier (1996). L'Europe des hymnes dans leur contexte historique et musical (in French). Editions Mardaga. ISBN 9782870096321.
  • Brécy, Robert (1991). La chanson de la Commune: chansons et poèmes inspirés par la Commune de 1871 (in French). Editions de l'Atelier. ISBN 9782708228559.
  • Raeburn, Fraser (2020). Scots and the Spanish Civil War: Solidarity, Activism and Humanitarianism. Edinburgh University Press. ISBN 9781474459501.
  • Corney, Frederick (2018). Telling October: Memory and the Making of the Bolshevik Revolution. Cornell University Press. ISBN 9781501727030.
  • Kuzar, Ron (2002). "Translating the Internationale: Unity and dissent in the encoding of proletarian solidarity". Journal of Pragmatics. 34 (2): 87–109. doi:10.1016/S0378-2166(02)80007-8.

Further reading

  • Taruskin, Richard (2016). "The ghetto and the imperium". Russian Music at Home and Abroad: New Essays. University of California Press. ISBN 9780520288089.
  • Drott, Eric (2011). Music and the Elusive Revolution: Cultural Politics and Political Culture in France, 1968–1981. California Studies in 20th-Century Music. Vol. 12. University of California Press. ISBN 9780520950085.